Friday, January 17, 2025



Here I am again, asking for your prayers. 
My girls are my whole life. They are all I have in this last leg of my life and I can't imagine my life without them. While I have had bad luck non stop with living in this house (that we feel is definitely filled with some sort of evil spirits) this is far worse than anything that could happen.
My Pip got sick two weeks ago.  It continued to get worse and so they rushed her into emergency surgery this past Monday and did a full hysterectomy. We are waiting for the labs to come back to understand what caused it and if she is now out of the woods. She is in recovering now and my heart hurts as I watch her every second of the day.

JoJo is having seizures.  Violent and scary seizures. It started this summer and they put her on a drug that would help but it took all summer to get the dosage right.  We have had to increase the dosage several times and finally we are seeing a little break in the activity.  The seizures still come. Just not as often. After spending so much money to see an Vet Neurologist we still have no answers other than the meds prolong the time in between. They are still as scary as ever and I am a mess when it happens. The longest period of time between them has now been 3 months but then one will just come out of the blue and what seems to be no reason.

Libby has a mass in her chest. Dr. Mark wants to do surgery as soon as possible to remove it to see what it is.  He will spay her at that time and do a diagnosis when the scans and labs come back.


 Then one morning last week my youngest, Emilu started acting so strange. She was hiding and shaking and frightened of us.  It took a week to get her in to see the vet.  Er's were filled to capacity and they were turning people away.  We then found this hard golf ball sized bump on her shoulder.  We got her to the vet and he did a culture and gave us HORRIFIC news.  Emi might have cancer.  The tumor contains Spindell cells which usually is cancer.  The options are he does surgery to remove it that case she will be okay going forward.  If he cannot get it all, she will need to have her leg amputated from the shoulder down.  And I cannot even say what he will do if it is unable to get it all and its too late. In the meantime she is suffering. She is laying lifeless and shaking.  I can give her pain meds but nothing seems to help.
We are broken. 

Needless to say, we are scared and so devastated.  All of our kids are sick at the same time and the expenses are building with the tests, scans, surgeries, medications.  I need your help.  They will not treat my kids unless paid in full at the time of the visit.  Anything you can contribute will help.
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